This post is from a thread of tweets I posted to Twitter on Saturday. You can see the original tweet thread here.
If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you're doing it wrong— The People's Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

The convergence of American individualism, capitalism, and high literacy rates have destroyed the mysticism of spirituality. I don't mean that folks should want more or to be stable. When folks get caught up in prosperity doctrines, Christian, New Age (The Secret) and otherwise, they tend to overlook the real factors that contribute to their station in life. For me, much of that we don't have control over.
We don't have control over the circumstances we're born into, nor the time period and political climate into which we are born. Yet we do have control over how we respond. Believing "wealth comes to me easily and effortlessly" ain't gonna stop Donald Trump and his cronies from further robbing this country blind. Yet, many of our personal mandates and entitlement to comfort and wealth surely makes us believe so.
There is real work to be done to dismantle oppressive systems that create a caste system in the USA. The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don't dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place. That means it's about more than you and your secret to manifestation.
There is no secret to manifestation. It's nepotism, systemic oppression, racism, and misogyny in the USA. If you want to manifest abundance in your life, develop inner resistance to those oppressive systems. Then begin the work of tearing that sucker down!The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don't dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place— The People's Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016
Your resistance to abundance is your insistence upon overlooking the system that keeps you in your birth caste. It's kept black folks in less resourced schools, poorer neighborhoods, and consistently disenfranchised them of their right vote.
You don't have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement. The worst part is you believe that it's your fault. That you've done something wrong.
Don't get me wrong. There are folks who have not made the best of what was given to them. And that is a sin in it's own right. But for most of us, we've naively believed in meritocracy when we really live in a nepotistic state.
You don't have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement.— The People's Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016
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