We are now getting to be in the darkest time of the year. The Sun just barely rises, laying low near the southern part of the sky. Our bodies slow down, conserving energy. We can spend more time in dream land.
At the winter solstice, the Sun is at its southernmost point in the sky until it begins is ascent north on the 3rd day. This is the story of Christ. The story of spirit indwelling the material world. Christ, the Sun of God, died and rose on the third day.
The Devil card in the #Tarot correlates to the Saturn ruled sign of #Capricorn. It highlights the dichotomy of the material and the immaterial worlds. We are spirit dwelling in flesh, navigating the limitations of embodiment. At this time, we are admonished to remember our truer nature.
So, during the next few days as the sun lays low, we need to do the same. I'm calling the time of the #WinterSolstice the time to literally stay low, and build. Think of this dark time like being in the womb. Ideas gestate and begin to take form as you visualize their full potential.
The sun moves fastest between now and the Spring Equinox. Once spring comes the real work of sowing and tilling, watering and growing begins.
What can you now lay to rest and release with the dying of the Winter Solstice Sun?
What, then, will you build between now and the Spring Equinox?
Meditate on these questions. Spend time writing down what you want to build on the ground you are now clearing in your life. Winter Solstice is foundation building time. Spring Equinox is when you begin to build above the ground. But start from the bottom now.
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