Thursday, December 22, 2016

What Purpose Does Your Spirituality Serve?

This post is from a thread of tweets I posted to Twitter on Saturday. You can see the original tweet thread here.
The People's OracleOur spirituality is how we attribute meaning to our experiences and purpose to our lives. Yet it's often disabling. If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you're doing it wrong.

The convergence of American individualism, capitalism, and high literacy rates have destroyed the mysticism of spirituality. I don't mean that folks should want more or to be stable. When folks get caught up in prosperity doctrines, Christian, New Age (The Secret) and otherwise, they tend to overlook the real factors that contribute to their station in life. For me, much of that we don't have control over.

We don't have control over the circumstances we're born into, nor the time period and political climate into which we are born. Yet we do have control over how we respond. Believing "wealth comes to me easily and effortlessly" ain't gonna stop Donald Trump and his cronies from further robbing this country blind. Yet, many of our personal mandates and entitlement to comfort and wealth surely makes us believe so.

There is real work to be done to dismantle oppressive systems that create a caste system in the USA. The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don't dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place. That means it's about more than you and your secret to manifestation.
There is no secret to manifestation. It's nepotism, systemic oppression, racism, and misogyny in the USA. If you want to manifest abundance in your life, develop inner resistance to those oppressive systems. Then begin the work of tearing that sucker down!

Your resistance to abundance is your insistence upon overlooking the system that keeps you in your birth caste. It's kept black folks in less resourced schools, poorer neighborhoods, and consistently disenfranchised them of their right vote.

You don't have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement. The worst part is you believe that it's your fault. That you've done something wrong.

Don't get me wrong. There are folks who have not made the best of what was given to them. And that is a sin in it's own right. But for most of us, we've naively believed in meritocracy when we really live in a nepotistic state.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Winter Solstice 2016

We are now getting to be in the darkest time of the year. The Sun just barely rises, laying low near the southern part of the sky. Our bodies slow down, conserving energy. We can spend more time in dream land.

At the winter solstice, the Sun is at its southernmost point in the sky until it begins is ascent north on the 3rd day. This is the story of Christ. The story of spirit indwelling the material world. Christ, the Sun of God, died and rose on the third day.

The Devil card in the #Tarot correlates to the Saturn ruled sign of #Capricorn. It highlights the dichotomy of the material and the immaterial worlds. We are spirit dwelling in flesh, navigating the limitations of embodiment. At this time, we are admonished to remember our truer nature.

So, during the next few days as the sun lays low, we need to do the same. I'm calling the time of the #WinterSolstice the time to literally stay low, and build. Think of this dark time like being in the womb. Ideas gestate and begin to take form as you visualize their full potential.

The sun moves fastest between now and the Spring Equinox. Once spring comes the real work of sowing and tilling, watering and growing begins.

What can you now lay to rest and release with the dying of the Winter Solstice Sun?

What, then, will you build between now and the Spring Equinox?

Meditate on these questions. Spend time writing down what you want to build on the ground you are now clearing in your life. Winter Solstice is foundation building time. Spring Equinox is when you begin to build above the ground. But start from the bottom now.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Healer, Intuitive, Astrologer, Priestess: Who Do You Trust?

This post is from a thread of tweets I posted to Twitter on Saturday. You can see the original tweet thread here.

This past weekend, I had an important conversation about spirituality and who we allow to have spiritual authority in and over our lives. This is a conversation I've frequently had with myself because it's one of my longer term lessons in my life.

It's an especially relevant conversation right now because I see a lot of people on social media platforms, especially Twitter, claiming to have spiritual gifts and saying they have power to do certain things. People are selling spiritual goods, offering to do healing work, divining and intuiting information and guidance for other people. It's troubling to me because many people lack the
discernment to know who has the spiritual integrity to do such things.

I'm in that group. I've been doing tarot readings professionally for about 4 or 5 years. And I've been reading astrology professionally for 6 years. As I've shared before, in the past I've taken breaks from doing both because I knew I needed to work on myself and study some more.

With all of that said, I want to encourage all of you who get readings from intuitives and spiritual work done by folks calling themselves astrologer, priestess, goddess, shaman, and claiming to have special knowledge and the like, to develop your gift of discernment.

Be bold and self protective enough to ask people how they know what they know. Ask them who holds them accountable in their lives, both personally and professionally. Any spiritual worker with integrity will surround themselves with folks who call them on their shit. They will admit that they don't know everything and will submit themselves to someone or something besides their limited power and knowledge.

Know that you have the final say about who has spiritual power in your life.

Our need to know, desperation in hard times, and human need for security can lead us down many paths spiritually. Be mindful of who you meet on that path, and what they say they know, or what they say they can do for you.

Twitter is flooded folks calling themselves astrologers, but they have never read anything beyond the blogs etc. they find online. They have only studied their own chart and those of close friends and relatives. Yet they want your money without having done due diligence. They want access to your inner life and emotional experiences.

And I know this because I've had folks inbox me or ask me in Facebook groups to help them read a chart someone has paid them to read. And I'm talking about basic stuff that cursory study would teach a person.

Be careful out here. Just because someone is popular, has a large following, doesn't mean they have spiritual integrity. Or that they know WTF they're talking about. You wouldn't let a stylist or barber touch your head who you had not vetted. Gotta do the same with your life.
Double check out these folks asking for money to read you. And even those that do it for free! How do they know what they know? You let down your guard and open up yourself and your life to people. Just be careful.

I keep learning this same lesson over and over. The lesson for ME is to continue to develop within myself the things I keep looking to other people for. AND to wait. There is a time and season for all things. There is a season for sickness. A season for healing. A season for death.
This goes for churches, too. Maybe even more so. Who has spiritual authority in your life? Someone does. Your choice.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

More Than Meets the Eye: The Unusual Inauguration Chart for the Next President of the USA


The Presidential Inauguration has been on January 20th at 12:00pm in Washington, DC every four years since 1937. This chart is often cast to symbolically mark the moment that the old administration relinquishes power, and the new administration officially assumes their positions.

In my analysis of past inauguration charts, the chart seems to less reflect what will happen during a given presidential term, and more likely reflects the actual inauguration event (Aries rising, Sun on the Midheaven) and the events leading up to the inauguration. The chart seems to reflect how the administration functions internally and how external events offer a constructive or destructive environment for it to function. It says nothing about policy.

I believe that the Aries Ingress and subsequent ingress charts, if necessary, speak to what will happen any given year and the role that the president, congress, and other factors play into those events.


Although I have been studying astrology for about 13 years, this is my first exploration of mundane astrology. Additionally, I am using some astrological techniques with which many modern and traditional astrologers will disagree, or are unfamiliar. I am using the lahiri ayanamsa which is a sidereal zodiac that aligns 0 Aries opposite the fixed star Spica. I am using whole sign houses. And I am not using Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. I am open to discourse regarding my predictions and how I delineate the planets.

Even if you do not use the same techniques as I do, I hope you are open to reading my predictions, the historical context, and how I have come to my conclusions. I’ve been looking at inauguration charts all the way back to George Washington. I will be referring to those charts and the relevant administrations throughout this article.

All of the charts I reference are at the end of this post.

Planetary Patterns and the US Presidential Inaugurations

The Significators

Because it is always on the same date and time, Aries is always rising and the Sun is always in the 10th house (with the exception of the 1945 inauguration chart, which had Pisces rising due to Eastern War time zone). Unless the Sun is making significant aspects to Mars, Jupiter, and or Saturn, it’s best to let it be a descriptor of the event rather than a predictor of the future. I explain my findings regarding the rest of the planets below.

  • Jupiter seems to move between signs in the same element, returning to the same sign every 12 years, or every 3rd inauguration. Jupiter was in Aries, Sagittarius, or Virgo in the January 20 inauguration charts from 1937 to 1977. Because Virgo is a sign of long ascension, we get more inauguration charts with Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter has been travelling through the trigon of earth signs since 1981. Inauguration Day of 2017 will be the last time we have an inauguration chart with Jupiter in Virgo for some time.
  • Mars goes through the signs in order, proceeding each subsequent inauguration. But, it skips 3 signs. Mars has never been in Taurus, Cancer, or Leo since inauguration day was changed to January 20, first occurring on that date in 1937. In any case, Mars is the planet whose position varies the most, following the Moon and then Saturn.
  • Venus alternates between Aquarius and Sagittarius. As a matter of fact, it returns to the same degree of Aquarius every other inauguration, the 23rd degree.
  • Mercury goes back and forth between Capricorn and Sagittarius. From what I can tell, Mercury repeats the same sign before or after an inauguration year where it was retrograde. But I’m only going back to 1937 when the inauguration was switched from March 4 to January 20.
  • The Moon visits every sign, alternating between opposing signs until it gets to the end of a sign, then jumping to the next set of opposing signs. It stays in one set of opposing signs for 3 inaugurations before moving to the next set. In 2013, the Moon was in Aries, 2017 it will be in Libra, and then in Aries again in 2021. It will jump to Virgo in 2025, then to Pisces in 2029, and back to Virgo in 2033 before moving to Aquarius and Leo.
  • Saturn’s pattern has been a bit challenging for me to catch onto. It seems like Saturn’s cycle of 7, 14, 21, and 28 years doesn’t fit well with the 4 year cycle of inaugurations. What is important to note is that Saturn and Jupiter will be looked at in relationship to their approximately 20 year cycle of conjunctions.

I observed many fascinating planetary patterns and cycles while studying these charts. I’m not sure if American politics or the presidency is of interest to him, but I’d love to hear the observations  Nick Dagan Best would make about these charts. He’s king of astrological and planetary cycles and their correlations to politics and culture. They don’t call him a walking ephemeris for nothing.

For the purposes of the predictions I will make on the next four years of the Trump Presidency and administration, I will focus on:

  • The Moon as significator for the public, the overall mood of the American citizenry, and how they react and respond to the new administration;
  • Mars as significator where and how the administration will focus its energy, as well as, domestic and/or foreign conflict;
  • Saturn as significator of the President and his administration;
  • Jupiter with regards to the Saturn/Jupiter cycle as a significator for the general political and/or economic climate, ;
  • Venus, if it makes any significant aspects, as a significator for cooperation, or the lack thereof;
  • Mercury, if it makes any significant aspects, as a significator for the media, news, etc.

The Predictions & Lots of History, Too

Saturn: The Significator of the President
29 Scorpio, 8th house
In a daytime chart, Saturn can be less malefic and operate more constructively because the heat of the Sun diminishes and balances Saturn’s cold and dry nature. However, being in 8th house is malefic in and of itself.

Saturn is in square with a 12th house Mars. It’s out of sign, but I’m going to break one of my usual rules and say that it still counts. Mars is at 0 Pisces and Saturn is at 29 Scorpio, the square is less than a degree separating.

The last time Saturn was in Scorpio and the in 8th house of an inauguration chart was in 1985. That was the second inauguration of Ronald Reagan. However, it was making no hard aspects, and its ruler, Mars, had both essential and accidental dignity. It was in Capricorn in the 10th house.

And in 1957, for the second inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, again Saturn was in Scorpio in the 8th house and was making no hard aspects. And again, it’s ruler Mars, had both accidental and essential dignity. It was in Aries in the 1st house. I will come back to this chart later as I believe it holds special significance regarding precedents that can helps us understand the coming administration.

The second inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1997 had a 12th house Saturn in Pisces opposed Mars in Virgo. It was part of a mutable cross with Moon in Gemini and Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius. It’s news to no one that President Clinton was impeached during his final term. Even though we have none of those configurations in this chart, is this a possibility for President-elect Trump?

Going all the way back to the first inauguration, I could not find a chart where Saturn was in the 8th house and in hard aspect to Mars. And there was no inauguration chart dating back to at least 1933 where Mars was in the 12th house. I actually found zero charts in the 20th century with Mars in the 12th house. I had to go back to the inauguration of 1833 to find a chart with Mars in the 12th house.

That was the 2nd inauguration of President Andrew Jackson. And it is with that President that we have the first recorded assassination attempt and physical attack on a sitting president. I’ll refrain from predicting an assassination. That’s outside of my ethical code as an astrologer. And besides that, it’s just not good astrology. There are no similarities between the charts besides the 12th house Mars.

The final Inauguration chart with a 12th house Mars is that of 1801, the first inauguration of President Thomas Jefferson. That Mars was square the midheaven, but 6 degrees away from a square with the Sun. Also, like the 2017 chart, the Moon was in Libra, but in the 5th house. That was a hotly contested election with lots of infighting amongst the administration, particularly between Vice President Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson.

Mars disrupts and causes conflict. So, these shake-ups and the halting of progress that we see in the transition team and process will continue and mar the entirety of his time in office. President Trump and his administration will be rife with anxiety and obstacles. The establishment of a working structure and maintenance of order will be difficult, and often times impossible. But President Trump will never give up, and neither will his administration, nor his detractors. Gridlock. No resolution. Lots of stop and start.

The Trump Administration will contend with secret enemies both inside and outside of the administration. At any given time, it will be hard to know who is actually in control. Conflicting agendas and loyalties will keep the administration in upheaval with a revolving door of cabinet members and advisors.

The Moon: Significator of the People, the Public
Moon in Libra conjunct the Descendent
The Moon is peregrine here and has a hard time expressing it’s true changeable nature. It is separating from a sextile to a debilitated Mercury in Sagittarius in the 9th house, and making no immediate aspects. It’s a bit too far from Venus to call that an applying trine.
The Moon in Libra lacks empathy. The air of  Libra, exacerbated by the sect of the chart, makes this Moon more concerned with justice and reason than with compassion and empathy. Righting a wrong is more important than meeting a need with the Moon in Libra. Righteous indignation is the phrase that comes to mind.

The last time there was a 7th house Libra Moon in an inauguration chart was in 1941.  In that chart the Moon was in a quagmire. It was simultaneously applying a square to a combust Mercury in Capricorn, and an opposition to Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aries on the ascendant. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was beginning his third term, the only president to do so. And the world was at war, again.

In Mundane astrology, the 7th house is concerned with foreign nations and our relations with them. In 1941, FDR was forced to renege on his promise not to enter the war. Even prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the US Military had been making plans and setting up bases around the world.

I don’t see much in this chart to signify war, but as I discuss in the next section on the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, I can make a case for the next four years being a drum up to war.
We’ll be examining our relationships with our allies and our conflicts with our enemies. Much like the internal workings of the Trump Administration, we will be redrawing boundaries and questioning who is on whose side.

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle
The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is at the heart of mundane astrology. And I feel it’s really too big of a subject to fit into an article like this on the presidential inauguration. I believe that an inauguration chart is limited in scope and tells us specific information about the incoming administration and the factors that contribute to its success or failure.

The Jupiter-Saturn cycle does play a part, but I think it’s more productive to talk about the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction within the context of ingress charts. And I hope to have the opportunity to do that once this article is complete.

We are upon the closing sextile of the 2000 conjunction which will still be within a degree during the inauguration. Jupiter is in the sign of its detriment, and Saturn is peregrine, though it has dignity by term. It really doesn’t count for much, especially being in the 8th house.

In 1957, Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated into his second term as president. Like the upcoming chart of the 2017 inauguration, the chart of the 1957 ceremony had Jupiter in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th and 8th houses respectively. That chart was much more volatile than the 2017 one, having an out of sect Mars rising, square both the midheaven and the Sun.

As I’ve mentioned beforeand what I hope to emphasize here only as theory as to how things may unfold, not as a hardline predictionis that it seems as if we are having a nightmarish bout of deja vu. The plot twist being that Russia has successfully hacked the American election, much like America has done as a ritual of foreign policy for decades.

The years 1955-1957 saw the murder of Emmett Till and images of his bashed in head on the front of northern newspapers, the strategic Montgomery Bus Boycott, and an historic attempt to enforce the Brown v Board of Education ruling in Little Rock Arkansas. Now we have the murder of Trayvon Martin setting off ongoing organizing, protests, and demands for the dismantling of systemic racism and oppression.

The US had not yet entered into combat in the Vietnam war, but the insurgency into South Vietnam had begun. The Cold War was in full effect. In October of that year, the Strategic Air Command began a 24/7 nuclear alert in preparation for a surprise nuclear attack by the Soviet Union.

During the Vietnam war the Soviet Union provided an unending source of military equipment to the Vietnamese, fundamentally fighting a proxy war with the US and it’s allies. And now, here we are in 2016 fighting another proxy war in Syria and Ukraine. Obviously, war by proxy has been an essential element of the US’ military policy since the Revolutionary War.

The same players are on the scene and front pages again. What to make of it?
The direct and deliberate interference of Russia in the American election process, in order to effect the outcome in favor of Trump has illuminated and accelerated cyber-warfare, battles which could bloom into all out war by 2020 when we have the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. This is effectively be Cold War II.

The inauguration chart for 2021 has the traditional significations for war. As well as astrological configurations that were present in past inauguration charts where war was imminent. Whether civil or foreign.

I’ll be adding more predictions for 2017 beyond the Inauguration in my post on the Aries Ingress of 2017.

Edit 12/7/2016: Thanks to Samuel Reynolds for the suggested title change.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Tarot-Scopes - December 2016

Each interpretation is a combination of the Focus Factor card and the individual card for each sign. Read on...

December 2016 Focus Factor.

Keywords: Power and authority

What is your power?
Where do you have the authority to influence the outcome?
How have you misused your authority
Who has power over you?
How will you take back your power?

Aries Rising or Sun in Aries:
So, it’s money you need? Perhaps to focus on your health? What about more time? Well, now is the time to make it happen. But first, you need a plan. Riding by the seat of your pants won’t cut it. This time you need a well thought out plan that maximizes your power and influence in the sphere of money, health, and other resources. With great power comes responsibility. How will you use your power to generate more of what you need to function on a day to day basis?

Taurus Rising or Sun in Taurus:
New feelings, emotional experiences, and desires are now surfacing. The eagerness of your desire does not equate to the quality of fulfillment should you get what you want. It’s one thing to want something and to have that desire satisfied. It’s another thing to explore your needs, your calling, and to find fulfillment in it. Sometimes release is needed to reveal emotional clarity. So, be a G about it! Now is not the time to cower and recoil. Go for what you want. Just make sure you’re sure about what you want… and you take your own feelings into consideration.

Gemini Rising or Sun in Gemini
You are at the helm of the wheel of change right now. At times we are at the behest of fate. Other times, our desires and actions seem to align perfectly with the Will within the wheel of change. Right now you are the latter. You are tuned in and turned on to the current season. This says nothing about your inherent power and more about an opportunity for you stack gains, grow, and maximize opportunities. But, nothing is promised. Gotta use your powers for good to reap the benefits of this season.

Cancer Rising or Sun in Cancer
Enough with the waffling. You know what the truth is, but up until now, you haven’t been ready to honor it. Now is the time to get to the heart of the matter and to get or provide clarity. Move from indecision to a decisive acknowledgement of the truth. You may be in the position to force someone’s hand or to extract the essence out of a situation. Heavy handed or with finesse, the choice is yours

Leo Rising or Sun in Leo
You are in a rare moment of balance of the energies in your life. Your mind is sharp. Your focus is consistent. And you’re full of ideas. You have the authority, drive, creativity, and resources available to bring to life something that is important to you. If you are feeling stuck, try a partnership. Someone one to fill in the gaps with the resources you need if you lack them. And someone with the focus if you can’t pull it together. Whoever, you need, they are close at hand. Get to work and they will appear when you need them.

Virgo Rising or Sun in Virgo
You are feeling pressed to make decisions that you have heretofore felt unprepared to make. You are missing important information that would bring clarity to the direction you need to go forward. Or, maybe you’re just indecisive and can’t see a clear path forward. Either way, clarity is near. Be courageous and open to digging deep for the truth. The information you need will be revealed if you do.

Libra Rising or Sun in Libra
Follow your heart. That’s easy enough advice for most people. But for you, the challenge comes with knowing what your heart desires. You can often end up on a blank mission, dipping your toes in the water and testing things out without ever committing to one thing or the other. But it’s not because you are inherently indecisive. It has more to do with you needing solitude to hear your own heart without the distraction of other voices and needs. Loud doesn’t mean right or true.

Scorpio Rising or Sun in Scorpio
You gotta know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em. You’re privy to, or have access to, some inside information. You must use discernment to know how, when, or if to use what you know. On the flip side, you may suspect someone is keeping something from you, and you’ll feel driven to seek it out. A word of caution, though. Move slowly. Don’t let paranoia get the best of you. Maybe the person keeping secrets is you...

Sagittarius Rising or Sun in Sagittarius
3 of WANDS
It’s time to make good on promises made. You’re looking to see if what you started will be successful. Yes, yes it will. But it’s not by magic or The Secret. It’s because you are planning and executing plans. It’s because you have the foresight to see beyond the present, and the wherewithal to use your energy to bring it to life. Be about your business and you business will be about you. Get to work!

Capricorn Rising or Sun in Capricorn
You plan and strategize and plan some more, tweaking and refining your path to success. And sometimes, you get so caught up in the planning and the perfect way to reach your goals that you never get started. Now, it’s time to get started. The key is in the ignition with the engine ready to rev up. Your feet are in the starting blocks ready for the go ahead. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to act, now is the time. If it’s seems as if you have been blocked from progress or moving forward, the way is open and the path is clear for beginning anew. You have the potential to begin a successful endeavor. All you have to do is take the first step. Have confidence and you can make it happen. It’s a small window you have, don’t delay. Start NOW!

Aquarius Rising or Sun in Aquarius
While you may have the drive to get things done on your own, it’s imperative that you consider others. Not only in how you may be able to help others, but also where it may be more appropriate to seek assistance. Additionally, now is the time to square up any debts, debts you owe or debts owed to you. All in all, this month is about right relations with other and making sure that everyone is getting, and giving, their fair share. Don’t wait for someone to come to the conclusion that they need to pay you back. Go and get what is owed to you. And if it isn’t forthcoming, then you’ve got to use your discernment to know when to keep pursuing or let it go.

Pisces Rising or Sun in Pisces
You are in a position to receive material support from a father figure or other male authority figure. The legacy of community and shared resources can work in your favor right now. Maybe you’re the one who can offer support and further the endeavors of those around you through your access to resources and power to wield them as you please.

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